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Moment of Truth: An Original Limited Series
About The Project
The team behind "Moment of Truth" consists of Joe Perez-Caputo, Adriana Nocco, and Tim Stainrod. We seek to use the medium of our art to explore the pandemic’s effects on mental health, relationships, and careers, all while employing artists who have felt a particularly grievous loss of income and opportunity. We ran a successful Seed&Spark Campaign to make the first installment of the "Moment of Truth" series a reality.
"Moment of Truth" (The Limited Series) was written by Joseph Perez-Caputo, Tim Stainrod, Adriana Nocco, and Emma Grace Waters, four members of the entertainment community who have been greatly affected by the industry wide shutdowns. The initial idea to write this limited series of short films became a weekly Zoom writers' room, which became a screenplay.
The project logline is as follows: Four individuals reexamine their authentic selves, interpersonal relationships, and priorities in a myriad of ways as they cope with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and each must decide what is worth holding onto, and what must be let go of...
This initial concept has expanded to be the opening four episodes of an anthology.
PART 1: 2020
Winter-The Couple
Spring-The Teacher
Summer-The Martial Artist
Fall-The Actor​​
Winter - The Couple:
A whirlwind romance is never wrong, until it is. Young and in love, Sophie and Oliver are taking on NYC together, and take the plunge to move in together, even if they're taking that plunge a little fast. New Year, New Apartment, until Covid hits, and the young couple are forced to look at some of their irreconcilable differences.
Starring the sublime Linsy Segarra as Sophie and the magnetic Kaan Sekban as Oliver.
Spring - The Teacher:
A teacher struggles with her own identity, sanity, and familial relationships as she grieves the loss of her grandfather, renavigates her relationship with her grandmother, and tries to put on a brave face for her students via zoom school in the cluster-rush of March and April, 2020.
Starring the multitalented Adriana Nocco.
Summer - The Martial Artist:
A forlorn martial artist fights for his will to live and against the forces of depression as his world and means of coping are whittled to the bone by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Starring the mythic Troy Bond.
Fall - The Actor
Ray, a charming and hard working actor, struggles to juggle his multiple jobs in the shifting landscape of Covid. He misses his family, and his relationship with the entertainment industry feels strained. With a huge audition coming up, will Ray double down on the life, or pack his bags and go to his hometown?
Starring the charming Tim Stainrod.
-Employ a talented and diverse team of cast and crew to make the next installments of the 'Moment of Truth' Anthology possible
-Safely put artists back where they want to be: on set!
All of our Productions will follow all established rules of a SAG-AFTRA Small Budget Web Series Contract.
This web series will also function as a pre-viz, potentially leading to future opportunities for work and creative output where we could continually employ artists on a normal, full-time basis. To give performers work in their field again through this project would be a joy and a privilege. With your help, we can make it happen.
The "Moment of Truth" collage that appears at the bottom of the page was also made by Isaiah Tanenbaum (